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Other - Victory Cigars

A personalized custom label cigar is sure to serve as a reminder to all those who enjoy it of where it came from and who gave it to them. No branded cigar can ever be appreciated in the same light as a cigar with a personalized label. Besides, why give away or sell a branded cigar that essentially promotes someone else, when you can achieve the promotion and/or recognition you desire with a custom label cigar?

What better way to show customers, clients and friends appreciation than with a premium cigar, complete with your personalized cigar band? Your personalized cigars will create a lasting image people are certain to remember. Not to mention the fact that you never know when or where a custom label cigar will pop up and who’ll be talking about it.

For all of our customers, a personalized custom label cigar can be great for a number of reasons, including but not limited to the following:

  • Corporate Gifts/Promotional Items
  • Name Recognition/Brand Awareness
  • Sales Incentives/Employee Recognition
  • Special Events & Occasions
  • Employee Promotion & Retirement
  • Tradeshows/Conferences
  • Sporting/Entertainment Events
  • Fund Raisers/Charity Events
  • Conferences/Training Seminars and much more . . .

Just remember, you never get a second chance to make a good first impression!

Free Cutter with Every Order!

You will receive a free two finger cutter with a 400 Series stainless steel double beveled blade. It cuts like the most expensive cutters available and fits up to a 54 ring size cigar.



We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.


©2025 Victory Cigars

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